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Google Analytics Tracking ID: What It Is?

Google Analytics Tracking ID: What It Is?

Mukul Goenka121 21-May-2024

Did you ever think about the mechanisms of tracking users’ activities in websites or other applications? Here comes the Google Analytics tracking ID, the driving force of the data gathering process on the basis of profound analysis. This unique identifier makes the owners of websites and marketers collect more information about visitors, interactions with the site or application. Thus, with accurate assessment of user behavior, companies can improve the user experience and have more engaged users, which will answer the main research question.




Now, in this particular blog, we are going to walk you through understanding what Google Analytics Tracking ID actually is, how does it work, and how you can use it to your benefit. First, the purpose of this identification in data collection and then the types of identification used between Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics. Now, without further ado, let’s start and turn the spotlight to one of the most influential and effective analytics tools used today.




Translation of Tracking ID for Google Analytics




What is a Google Analytics Tracking ID? To express it in simple terms, one may address it to the ID number given to every website or application connected to Google Analytics. This unique identifier is essential in tracking and passing the data of the interactions of the users to the Google Analytics where the data is processed into useful information for website owners and marketers.




Google Analytics 4: Measurement ID vs. Universal Analytics: Tracking ID




In the case of GA4 they made slight changes to the used terminology. While in GA4 the entire analytic account has gone through some changes and the tracking ID of a particular website is referred to as measurement ID. It normally possesses the form of G-XXXXXXX, but what stands for XXXX, is an alphanumeric number which contributes as a serial number of your property.




On the other hand, in the previous version which was the Universal Analytics (UA), every property has the Tracking ID assigned to it which usually has the format of “UA-XXXXX-Y. This structure comprised a series of numbers something like “XXXXX” which was an account ID number and “Y” which was one unique property number in the account.




Locating Your Google Analytics ID


Finding Google Analytics Measurement ID is one of the critical steps that are recommended to be taken to comprise the tracking system. 

Here's how you can find it:



1. Make sure you are logged into your Google Analytics account and go to the settings of your property.


2. You are looking for a Measurement ID section; here you will be able to find your alphanumeric combination.


3. In terms of Measurement ID copy and pasting capabilities, they can be easily copied for use during installation.




Installing Google Analytics: Three Strategies, For One Objective




Finally, you will get the Measurement ID, let’s proceed to place Google Analytics on the website. Here are three popular methods to achieve this:



Option 1: You can install through Your Website Builder and/or Content Management System.




Most of the website builders and the content management systems (CMS) have native integrations with Google Analytics, and the installation is very easy. All you need to do is simply plug in your Measurement ID on the given field and you’re ready to go. This is an excellent method particularly if the user only wants to have the ‘plug and play’ system.




Option 2: GA4 Configuration in Google Tag Manager




When the users want more control and setting configuration, the Google Tag Manager (GTM) will fit best. GTM stands for Google Tag Manager which centralizes your Google tags, including Google Analytics. You can customize your GA4 to your needs by simply creating a new tag and then entering your Measurement ID.




Option 3: The most basic method of installing Google Analytics tracking code is through the manual method.




A step-by-step guide to the manual installation enables those who want to have total control over the tracking implementation process to do so. To integrate your account with your website code you need to copy the Google Analytics tracking code from your account and insert it to HTML.



Wrapping Up: How to get the Most Out of Google Analytic




In conclusion, the Google Analytics Tracking ID (or Measurement ID in GA4) is the foundation of acquiring information on what is happening online. Thus, if used correctly and to the full extent of its potential, various website owners and marketers will be able to gather specific and valuable data on the consumers’ behavior on the net, enhance their virtual presence and achieve tangible goals.


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