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Why you should update your iOS from 17 to 18 version?
Why you should update your iOS from 17 to 18 version?

Discover the top reasons to update your iOS device from version 17 to version 18, including enhanced performance, security and new features.

Credencys Solutions Inc. Is Gearing Up to Adopt iOS 13 for iPhone App Development
Credencys Solutions Inc. Is Gearing Up to Adopt iOS 13 for iPhone App Development

Apple has all set to roll out iOS 13 Beta in WWDC 2019. The developers’ version is expected to be released with advanced features to bring velocity in iOS app development. Credencys focuses on building the strength for next-generation iPhone app dev

Sending email in iOS Objective-C
Sending email in iOS Objective-C

Follow the following step to send email in iOS Objective C- Step - 1Include theMessageUI.frameworkin your project . Select project go -settings -Ge

Create action sheet in iOS using UIAlertController in Objective-C
Create action sheet in iOS using UIAlertController in Objective-C

You can create action sheet in iOS 8 or later version using UIAlertController Following is the sample code for creating action sheet using UIAlertCont

How to use UIAlertController in Objective-C iOS
How to use UIAlertController in Objective-C iOS

UIAlertController introduced in iOS 8 .UIAlertController replaces the UIActionSheet and UIAlertView classes. UIAlertController can be used for displaying alerts ,confirmation alert ,act as action sheet and used for login purpose etc.