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Explain the transaction in SQL Server.
Explain the transaction in SQL Server.

A SQL transaction ensures data integrity by grouping SQL operations into a single unit that either succeeds completely or fails entirely.

Explain the SQL CURSOR with example.
Explain the SQL CURSOR with example.

A cursor is a database object that enables traversal over the records in a result set. It allows sequential access to individual rows returned by a SQL query.

Explain the SQL Stored Procedures.
Explain the SQL Stored Procedures.

SQL stored procedures are a powerful feature in SQL databases that allows you to encapsulate complex SQL logic and business rules into reusable code blocks.

Is VPS hosting a worthy decision?
Is VPS hosting a worthy decision?

A VPS server is produced through the route of virtualization. It is a server for hosting “websites (e-commerce, content, media, etc.) and/or software applications, particularly web-based ones (portals, extranet, collaborative solutions, wiki, CRM so

Scheduling a job in SQL.
Scheduling a job in SQL.

A job is a series of action that SQL Server Agent Performs. In this blog , all required snapshot are available to scheduled a query, through SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

User Defined function in SQL
User Defined function in SQL

In this blog, we are explaining about the basic of user defined function and difference between Inline table-valued function and Multi Statement Table-Valued Function.

SQL Joins
SQL Joins

In this blog, I’m explaining about joins in SQL SQL joins are used to combine rows from two or more tables.Types of joins1 .Inner joins2. Outer join

Indexes in SQL
Indexes in SQL

In this blog, I’m explaining about Indexes in SQL Indexes are created on columns in tables or views. The index provides a fast way to look up data b

Constraints in SQL
Constraints in SQL

In this blog, I’m explaining about constraints in SQL.Description: SQL constraints are used to restrict the type of data that can insert into a databa

Triggers in SQL
Triggers in SQL

In this blog, I’m explaining about triggers in SQL Triggers are database object. Basically these are special type of store procedure that are automa

Cursor in SQL
Cursor in SQL

In this blog, I’m explaining about cursor in SQL A Cursor is a database object to retrieve data from a result set one row at a time. Life cycle of Cu