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Learn to do SEO in 5 minutes

Learn to do SEO in 5 minutes

Anonymous User974 28-Sep-2021

For all online businesses, an SEO expert is needed. He makes sure that the business gets ranked and seen in the digital domain at the right time. Owning, monetizing, promoting, or managing the content online is the job of an SEO expert. With day-to-day activities that are pushed online, it becomes really difficult to keep track of all the revenue that is generated through the content or digital marketing agency. Hence, SEO services are deployed by such businesses

How to rank the site on Google?

The basic struggle is to get the actual site on Google once you have launched it. Making a website, getting a domain name, and getting it registered is easy. The real struggle starts in the online ranking of the website. For this purpose, you need an SEO expert or the best SEO company. Google uses its own methods of indexing and crawling websites and you don’t have to do anything in it. You, as a firm, just have to boost your website to help Google ‘see’ it while crawling. You can submit a sitemap to Google, to help it discover the changes on your website or you can manually promote your website. Whatever method you choose, the key is engaging traffic.

Learn to do SEO in 5 minutes

If you succeed in engaging traffic, converting leads, and generating sales, then the search engine rank is automatically increased. Some interesting SEO strategies are given here in short, take a look and then we will proceed further.

  • Well-labeled images
  • Relevant and insightful content
  • Links and references
  • Unique page titles
  • Search engine compliant HTML
  • No keyword stuffing.

Now, you might have had a look at the basics of SEO strategies, it’s time to move on further.

How can my website qualify to be crawled?

  • By creating relevant content: content is the key for anything online. When you create relevant content, you can expect it to be seen. Whether you are doing guest blogging or writing for your own firm, unique content and SEO go hand in hand. When the search engine crawler crawls your page, it sees the uniqueness, relevance, and freshness of your content, then only it qualifies for indexing.

  • Backlinks and references: linking your website too, is an important strategy of boosting SEO. If you don’t leave relevant links and do backlinks while guest blogging, your organic ranking would be zero. To increase traffic engagement and later on the conversion of leads, backlinking is a very important concept.

  • Keyword stuffing: sometimes the content creators stuff a lot of keywords for their website to be crawled. But they overlook one significant point that search engines hate keyword stuffing. When you stuff a lot of keywords in your website or content, you tend to make the crawler confused. Then it has the possibility of rejection, not acceptance. This affects your rank too.

  • Analyze what’s trending: before creating a new webpage or content, just look around and do a little bit of analysis on what’s trending on that day. This would help you select relevant titles and keywords for your content. Also, an important part of your job is to keep an eye on the competitors too. You need to observe what they are up to in order to get a better insight into the web market.

Learn to do SEO in 5 minutes

  • Do both On-page and Off-page SEO: to boost your promotional strategies, you need to formulate the strategies of both the on-page (backlinks, references, keyword, title, meta descriptions, content) as well as off-page SEO (guest blogging, sharing on social handles, building offline relationships, advertisements for organic traffic). There is no all, and not one strategy regarding SEO. Everything you do acts as a building block to increase your ranks.

  • The more links, the easier to index: you need to knit a web of links on your website. But remember these links are not duplicates or hollow. Their page landing should be authentic in order to attain high Domain Authority. Remove the canonical issues if any, because they show more than one URL displaying the same content.

  • UI/UX: the user interface is also counted in ranking. Though it is not directly related to the job of SEOs, the page speed and refresh time play a high role in PA and DA.
You need to cross the extra mile to stand out because there are no shortcuts in SEO.

Engage your energy in SEO as much as you engage it in website development. It requires at least 6-9 months of constant efforts to decipher whether or not you would be ranked higher on search engines. On updating any information on your website, submit a sitemap to Google so that it becomes easier to index. Boosting SEO is not that easy as it is talked about. Hence, put every step carefully and let go of any misconceptions.  

I am a content writter !

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