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Why Is Your Company's IT So Unreliable?

Why Is Your Company's IT So Unreliable?

Austin Luthar85 22-May-2024

Does the IT system in your workplace frequently crash? Are slow network speeds making you feel incensed most days? And does it seem like cybersecurity threats are happening all too often? Unreliable IT can drain resources and (really) frustrate employees. This blog takes a closer look at the common causes of unreliable IT systems, with tips for practical solutions to help make things a whole lot better.


Let's face it, IT setups can feel like an enigma wrapped in a puzzle, especially if you're not a tech guru. Typically, companies manage their IT by either having an in-house team or outsourcing to an external provider. In-house teams are your go-to heroes for immediate issues; they've got the tools, the knowledge, and they understand the quirks of your specific setup. However, they can get swamped, and that's when the cracks start to show. On the other hand, outsourced IT services bring in a wealth of expertise and can often spot and solve problems before you even notice them. But sometimes, it feels like they're a bit detached from your daily grind. Balancing these approaches – or finding the right mix – can make all the difference. It's like finding the right recipe that makes your IT systems sturdy and effective so you can focus on what you do best.


Many employees say that unreliable IT significantly hampers their productivity, and 75% of remote workers say they’re dealing with slow network response times and unpredictable application performance several times a week. That's a staggering majority! Imagine spending hours each week just twiddling your thumbs, waiting for a slow network to load, or frantically dealing with unexpected crashes right before a crucial deadline. It's not just about lost time; it's a morale killer, too. Frustrated employees aren’t exactly recipe ingredients for a happy, thriving workplace. And let's not sugarcoat it – when your team spends more time battling technology than innovating or serving customers, your company’s competitiveness takes a nosedive.


So, it’s no wonder that businesses who properly invest in IT and roll out digitization strategies are much more productive. When your systems are reliable, your team can finally focus on the tasks that matter, and your company can soar above the competition. Essentially, robust IT isn’t just a 'nice-to-have' – it’s your secret weapon in the business arena. Let's get this right, and you'll see just how much smoother (and happier) your workdays can become!


Here are some of the key reasons why your company's IT systems might be unreliable, and what you can do about it.


Outdated Hardware

One major culprit behind unreliable IT is outdated hardware. It’s like trying to win a race with a car that’s falling apart – it just can’t keep up! If your servers, computers, or networking equipment are more than a few years old, they're probably struggling to handle the demands of modern software and workflows. You might notice frequent crashes, sluggish performance, and that dreadful feeling of hanging on a never-ending loading screen. Sound familiar?


So, what can you do? Well, first, take a deep breath. You're not alone in this! Start by conducting a thorough assessment of your current hardware. Identify the oldest and most problematic pieces of equipment. Then, plan a phased upgrade. This way, you’re not replacing everything at once (which can be pretty expensive) but systematically renewing your setup without breaking the bank. Getting help from a local managed service provider, such as Managed Service Provider New Jersey, could be an investment worth making.


And hey, while you're at it, consider leasing hardware instead of outright buying it. This can spread out the costs and ensure you always have up-to-date technology. Plus, leasing often comes with maintenance and support, so win-win! With some shiny new gear, you'll likely see fewer interruptions and a boost in performance. Let's leave the ‘90s tech in the past and pave the way for smoother, faster, and happier workdays ahead!


Poor Network Infrastructure

Now, let's chat about another biggie – poor network infrastructure. Picture this: you're trying to download an important file or hop onto a video call, and then suddenly, the network decides to take a little nap. Frustrating, right? A dodgy network can bring your whole day to a grinding halt. It's like having a freeway with more potholes than pavement.


But don't toss your computer out the window just yet! There are ways to fix this. Start by giving your network a health check. Are your routers and switches ancient relics? Is your network setup more like a tangled mess of spaghetti? If you're nodding along, it’s time for some TLC in the form of updated equipment and maybe a bit of rewiring.


Think about investing in high-quality, business-grade networking gear; it can make a world of difference. And remember, Wi-Fi is great – but it has its limits. If your office is spread over multiple floors or large spaces, consider a wired connection for critical devices. This results in more stable and faster connections.


Also, don’t underestimate the power of a professional touch. Bringing in network specialists to design and implement a streamlined network layout can save you countless headaches down the line. These pros can optimize everything from signal strength to layout configuration.


So yes, a fast, reliable network isn't a pipe dream. With the right upgrades and a little help, you'll be cruising along the information superhighway without the speed bumps. Time to say goodbye to those irritating, productivity-draining network outages and hello to a more seamless work experience!


In the grand scheme of things, sorting out your IT woes might feel difficult, but it's a game-changer. Take it step-by-step, get some expert help if needed, and before you know it, your team will be breezing through their tasks with ease. Investing in reliable IT isn't just smart – it’s essential. So, let’s roll up our sleeves, tackle those tech troubles, and watch your productivity soar!


Updated 22-May-2024
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