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How to add ADO.NET Entity Data Model in MVC4

Vijay Shukla6069 28-Sep-2013

In this blog I am trying to explain the concept of how can I add a ADO.NET Entity Data Model in MVC4.

Getting start: -

1.       Create a new blank project in Visual Studio 2012.

2.       Then Right Click on Model Folder which is shows under the solution explorer and select the ADO.NET Entity    Data Model.How to add ADO.NET Entity Data Model in MVC4

3.       After that Give the Appropriate name of Entity Model then Click on OK button.

How to add ADO.NET Entity Data Model in MVC4

4.    Now you can see a wizard is show in your screen Click to Next button for next steps.

5.    In next step Click to new connection then populate a new dialog box where is give the connection configuration and after giving connection configuration settings click On OK.

6.   Now click on Yes Radio button and click on Next button.

7.   Now you can see your all tables from your selected database.

How to add ADO.NET Entity Data Model in MVC4

8.     Click to Finish button and now goto your solution explorer and expand the model folder you can see MyFirstModal.edmx named file is added.

Updated 18-Sep-2014

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