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Constipation: Symptoms and causes

Constipation: Symptoms and causes

Niyati Thole299 19-May-2022

Constipation occurs when bowel motions are difficult or occur less often than usual. It affects almost everyone at some time.

You'll feel a lot better once your health is back on track, even if it's not generally serious.

The average duration between bowel motions varies greatly from one person to the next. They are consumed by some people three times each day. Others only have them once or twice a week.

Going more than three days without one is typically considered excessive. After three days, passing your stool becomes increasingly difficult.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms?

You might have:

  • Infrequent bowel motions
  • Problems with bowel movements (straining to go)
  • Stools that are hard or tiny
  • A feeling that something wasn't quite right.
  • Bloated stomach

You could also feel like you need assistance emptying your bowels, such as pushing on your abdomen or removing feces from your bottom with a finger.

What Causes It to Happen?

Constipation can be caused by several factors.

  • alterations in your diet or activity
  • You are not getting enough water or fiber in your diet.
  • consuming a large number of dairy goods
  • Being inactive
  • Keeping the desire to poop at bay
  • Stress
  • Excessive usage of laxatives
  • Some prescription pharmaceuticals (especially strong pain drugs such as narcotics, antidepressants, and iron pills)
  • Calcium or aluminum-based antacid medications
  • Eating problems
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a kind of irritable bowel
  • Pregnancy
  • Problems with your digestive system's nerves and muscles
  • bowel cancer
  • Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis are examples of neurological disorders.
  • Thyroid dysfunction (called hypothyroidism)
  • Hypercalcemia is an excess of calcium in the blood caused by hyperactive parathyroid glands, medicines, cancer (lung, breast, multiple myeloma), or other factors.

What Can I Do When I Have Constipation?

Follow these steps:

  • Unless your doctor has advised you to decrease fluids for another reason, drink 2 to 4 extra glasses of water each day.
  • Warm beverages, especially in the morning, are recommended.
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
  • Prunes and bran cereal are good choices.
  • Several days of the week, you should exercise. The muscles in your intestines become more active as you move your body.
  • Don't ignore the impulse to go to the bathroom.
  • You might also take a laxative. Laxatives come in a variety of forms, and many of them are available over the counter. Each one helps to relieve constipation in a different way. Inquire with your doctor or pharmacist about which type will work best for you and how long you should take it.

When Should I Contact My Physician?

If you suffer abrupt constipation with stomach discomfort or cramping and are unable to defecate or pass gas, see your doctor straight away.

Also, decide if:

  • You've never had constipation before, and lifestyle modifications haven't helped.
  • Your stool contains blood.
  • You're losing weight despite your best efforts.
  • Your bowel motions cause you a lot of agonies.
  • Your constipation has been going on for more than two weeks.
  • Your stool's size, shape, and consistency have all altered substantially.
  • Your doctor may suggest the following tests to determine the source of your constipation:
  • Hormone levels are checked by blood testing.
  • Tests to see how strong your anus muscles are
  • Tests to see how waste passes through and into your colon.
  • Colonoscopy is a procedure that examines your colon for obstructions.

An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driven by the motive to make a difference in the sphere of mental health - and normalize seeking help through a sensitive and empathetic approach

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