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Do you wanna know your age in years,months,days , hours,min. and in seconds also ?

Age Calculator1033 16-Jan-2018

It is really important to pay respect to your loved ones. You always need to ensure that you think of a very special way of celebrating a late loved one’s birthday. Here are a few ways to remember, acknowledge and celebrate!

Message balloons

There are no other ways to wish birthday then sending messages via balloons. This will always make the moment very special for your loved ones if the kids are involved in it. Balloons are always important accessories for any birthday celebration. You can send the happy birthday message to heaven or leave it nearby their grave.

Get involved in activities they loved

In case your loved one enjoyed a favorite song or movies, you can watch it as a token of tribute to them. If they loved eating food then you can enjoy eating as well. This activity will always ensure that their memories are alive in our hearts and spirit.

Pay a visit to their grave

This is important as the souls of your loved ones still rest in their graves. You can enjoy and celebrate at the grave site with their souls. You can cut the cake and toast a drink in their memory. This will make them realize that they are missed by everyone even today. This will definitely mean much more!

Stay with your family

One of the most important factors for your loved ones is that the family is together even in their absence. If you re working then be sure you take a day off and spend it with your family at home. You can also plan something special for entire family gathering. You can host a small thanksgiving party to your relatives and share their point of views. In some case staying together is always best alternative medicine remedy.

Craft something special

It is important to share your memories on this special day. You can share snaps, videos or even card with your relatives and friends on this day. You can encourage other members of your family to do the same. You can laugh, cry and share beautiful moments from the past. Sharing stories can be one of the best ways to refresh your past memories. You can enjoy treats in their memory or even prepare something at home for your family.

Invest in something special

When searching the market you may find a number of items that may remind you of your late loved ones. On this day as a tribute to them, you can purchase something special for your home. You can wear their favorite cloth or jewelry on this day. It is ideal to purchase a gift for yourself to show your love for your loved ones in heaven.

Make donations for a cause

Donations can always be one of the best ways to show your love and care for others. Even if you are making some amount of donation in their name it can offer you with blessings of your loved ones. This is one of the best ways to learn to give back in life.
Visit: age calculator and Birthday calculator

Updated 21-Mar-2018

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