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Access specifier and modifier in java

zack mathews1999 05-Oct-2016

There are 4 types of access specifier in java:

  • Private
  • public
  • protected
  • default


Program which contains private specifier for specific function or class or

datatype, it can be accessible only for that class or function. It is not

accessible by other class or assemblies.



Program which contains public specifier for function or class or datatype, it can be accessible anywhere within the program or in other assemblies also.



Program in which in protected specifier is specified for function or class or datatype, it can be accessible only for that class or function. It is not accessible by other class or assemblies. But it can be accessible in the derived class. 


It is similar to INTERNAL access specifier in C#.Program in which in no specifier is specified for function or class or datatype then default specifier is  it can be used anywhere within the program. But it is not accessible by other assemblies.




class access


       public String Stra;

       public void print()


            System.out.println("MindStick is better than" + Stri);




    class Program


        static void Main(String[] args)


            access sp = new access();

            System.out.println ("Enter the name of the company :");

            sp.Stri = System.console().readLine();








class access


        private String Strp;

        public void print()


           System.out.println ("MindStick is better than " + Stri);




    class Program


        static void Main(String[] args)


            access sp = new access();

            System.out.println ("Enter the name of the company:");

            sp.Stri = System.console().readLine();// error will occur







Program for Protected Specifier


class access

        Protected String Stri;

        public void print()


           System.out.println ("MindStick is better than " + Stri);




    class Program


        static void Main(String[] args)


            access sp = new access();

            System.out.println ("Enter the name of the company:");        

            sp.Stri = System.console().readLine();// error will occur





Program for Default Specifier:


 class access


       String Stri;

        public void print()


           System.out.println ("MindStick is better than " + Stri);




    class Program


        static void Main(String[] args)


            access sp = new access();

           System.out.println ("Enter the name of the company:"); 

            sp.Stri = System.console().readLine();






Whereas in C# there are 5 access specifier:






Protected Internal

Check this related articles & blogs:

Basic concept for access specifier

 Access Specifier in java 

  Access Modifier in java

Updated 16-Mar-2018

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