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Security Testing on iot devices

Mahendra T858 24-Jan-2019

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of smart devices that contain electronics, software, and connectivity which allows these things to connect, interact and exchange data. 

The IoT plays a vital role in extending Internet connectivity beyond regular devices, like smartphones, tablets, and computers to a variety of non-internet-enabled physical devices.

Before deploying an IoT product or creating an IoT product, it is advised to perform a VAPT software testing service by highly skilled and experienced security testing experts. This will help in identifying the risks and vulnerabilities across the IoT ecosystem.

The OWASP provides a list of security categories associated with the Internet of Things to enable the developers, manufacturers and consumers in any context to make better security decisions, deploying, building or assessing IoT technologies.

OWASP Top 10 list for the Internet of Things (IoT): (Source

1 – Insecure Web Interface

2 – Insufficient Authentication/Authorization

3 – Insecure Network Services

4 – Lack of Transport Encryption

5 – Privacy Concerns

6 – Insecure Cloud Interface

7 – Insecure Mobile Interface

8 – Insufficient Security Configurability

9 – Insecure Software/Firmware

10 – Poor Physical Security

In real-world an IoT system is far more complex because there are few other systems that are responsible to make it secure.

  • The devices associated with it
  • The operating system that runs on the devices
  • The software on the devices
  • The mobile application
  • The servers themselves
  • The build on the servers

IoT has its fair share of cyber-attacks in it, in recent years, there is 600% increased attack in IoT devices. Below are some examples of cyber-attack on IoT. 

Few Major Cyber Attacks on IoT devices:

1. Botnets Attack

A botnet is a group of internet-connected devices such as mobile devices, servers, PCs and IoT devices that are infected and compromised by malware.

 Attackers used a botnet to steal data that allowed the attackers to remotely take control and distribute malware.

2. Man-In-The-Middle Attack

The intention of the man-in-the-middle concept is to intercept the request coming from one system and sent it to the intended recipient without their awareness so the unknown person has read and altered their traffic

This attack can be potentially harmful in the IoT, because of the results of the things being hacked.

3. Denial of Service

A denial of service (DoS) attack happens when a service that would usually work is unavailable from the IoT device. In a DDoS attack, a large number of systems are attacked at a time one target. DDoS is often done through a botnet.

The DoS attack doesn’t usually try to steal potential data or leads to security loss, but the loos goodwill for the affected organization can still cost a lot of money.

Common Recommendations to make IoT devices more secure:

The following recommendations for all user interfaces (local device, mobile and cloud-based):

1. Ensuring interface error can’t be available in valid user accounts

2. Ensuring strong credentials are provided by users

3. Implementing account lockout after multiple login attempts

4. Create and deploy the IoT devices on a firewalled, separate and monitored network

5. Remove the stuff that is not being used such as ports, cameras and microphones

6. Ensure the unauthorized persons can’t physically access these IoT devices to change or reset the passwords

7. Enable encryption mechanism whenever possible to connect network

8. Continuous monitoring and frequent automatic software update required to make IoT devices more secure

Conclusion: IoT devices have made people life more easier at the same time if the vulnerabilities are not considered and addressed, the particular IoT device could lead to more problem than they are worth.

Updated 25-Jan-2019
Mahendra T works for Indium software as a Senior Test Engineer and has an overall 4+ years of experience in the field of Security Testing. He is an expert in Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing and worked on different security testing tools like Burp suite, OWASP ZAP, Wireshark, Nessus, OpenVAS, Kali Linux distributed tools.

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