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Globalization and Localization in .Net

Globalization and Localization in .Net

Anonymous User2331 29-Dec-2018

Globalization and Localization in .Net


In the .net framework, Globalization is the process of internationalizing application code, that is culture neutral and language neutral, and that supports localized user interfaces and regional data for all users. This involves creating design and programming decisions function for multiple cultures that are not based on culture-specific assumptions. As long as a globalized application is not localized, it nevertheless is designed and written so that it can be subsequently localized into one or more languages with relative ease.

Into the globalization allows your web application to be useful for different people in different parts of the world who speaks different languages. The ASP.Net makes it easy to localize an application through the use of resource files. The resource files are XML files with .resx extension. The resources may either be a global resource, in which it is accessible throughout the site and placed in App_GlobalResources folder in a website or a local resource which is particular/specific to a page only and is placed in App_LocalResources folder.

Globalization and Localization in .Net

Second Localization 

Here, A Localizationis a process of translating an application's resources into localized versions for each culture that the application will support. The Localization support is possible to automatically detect the user's culture and to respond to that detection with properly formatted dates, currency, and other numeric values, properly configured controls etc. We should proceed to the localization step only after completing the Localizability step to verify that the globalized application is ready for localization.

Globalization and Localization in .Net

For every localized version of your application, add a new satellite assembly that contains the localized user interface block translated into the appropriate language for the target culture. That is The code block for all cultures should remain the same. The concatenation of a localized version of the user interface block with the code block produces a localized version of your application.

Globalization and Localization in .Net

The Culture-Info Class, Provides the information about a specific culture. That information includes the names for the culture, the writing system, the calendar used, and formatting for dates and sort strings.

Globalization and Localization in .Net

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Updated 20-Nov-2020
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