Elon Musk Donating 50 Satellites Terminals to reconnect Volcano Damaged Tonga
Elon Musk is the CEO of SpaceX is now donating its 50 Satellites Terminals to help reconnect the volcano-damaged Tonga.
Tonga’s technology of communication has been badly restricted after a violent volcanic eruption and tsunami served its underwater fiber optic cable.
Tonga’s Prime minister express the possibility of the temporary repair to be completed early next weeks.
- SpaceX’s CEO has revealed it is donating 50 small satellites terminals to Tonga.
- Both, SpaceX and Tonga government is working together to install the equipment.
- Tonga was operating its Internet has been operating on a very small bandwidth.
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Tonga’s officials have revealed the facts that the Space entrepreneur and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has donated its 50 satellites terminals for repairing the volcano-damaged pacific island to connect with the world.
Tonga has been facing a huge problem to repair its telecommunication tech with the world which has been severely restricted since 15 January when a violent volcanic eruption and a tsunami takes place that breaks the connection.
Prime Minister of Tonga said in a statement about the help that SpaceX CEO Elon Musk provided by donating 50 very small aperture terminals (VSAT) and added “how we can best utilize it,” Siaosi Sovaleni said.
The telecommunication system of Tonga was running with a very weak small bandwidth, it also revived the offers to increase its connection.
PM also said
“It’s something we are testing right now.”
Tonga government and SpaceX both have been working to repair the Internet services connection and they are installing the equipment to start its functioning from next week.
The Prime Minister also said that he expect the temporary repairment would have to be completed by the next week.
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