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Best Gadgets to Have

Kevin Gardner1862 06-May-2019

There was a time when you had to have a proper storage room with cabinets so as to keep the firm’s information safe and out of reach of unauthorized hands. Then, at the beginning of the digital rush, businesses started switching to offline storage. There was a now a room meant for servers and racks meant to store most of the businesses’ data. Now, times are changing and such rooms are having fewer servers as firms switch to cloud storage. Even though businesses still have a storage room for hard copy documents and another room for servers, these rooms are becoming less and less utilized as technologies change and businesses adapt to these changes.

1. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Phones

In the past, most advanced companies used traditional Private Branch Exchange (PBX) phone system. It allowed internal communication of different departments at no extra charge. However, it was limited in that you had to use one service provider’s systems. With VoIP, you can make phone calls through the internet, and your office is not limited in terms of which service provider you can use. 

2. A Modem 

Your office needs an internet modem to send signals from your internet service provider (ISP) to your firm’s network. If you don’t want to deal with modem issues such as slow internet, you are better off buying this gadget from your ISP. That way, they can come fix any connection issues with the modem. 

3. Router

Once you have your modem, you should get a router to enhance the security of your internet system. When you have this device, you can give each device connected to the office network a unique IP address. Then, only allow devices with those IP addresses to access the office internet and systems. That way, you prevent strangers from accessing your network. 

4. A Switch

Different devices use different amounts of data. There are those that will require high bandwidth and those that won’t. You need a network switch to keep track of all the data packets that your office network receives from the provider. The switch has different ports that are connected to the machines in your office. It is through these ports that the switch is able to regulate the data packets, making sure that every device receives the right amount of bandwidth to operate at maximum efficiency. 

5. Security Cameras

Another thing that your office needs is proper surveillance. You have to keep track of whoever goes in and out of the office. Make sure that there are enough security cameras around the building to allow your security team to see everything. That way, you minimize cases of theft. 

6. Laptops

It may sound cliché, but your office must have this machine. We have slowly moved from the days when every business had to purchase a specific number of desktop computers for all its employees. Nowadays, portable PCS are faster and more capable than desktops. You can buy one for every new employee or encourage them to carry their devices to work. 

7. Printers

We are not talking about just any printer. Our focus is on multi-purpose printers because they make work easier. Most of them can scan documents very clearly, copy, and print multiple documents at the same time. Furthermore, if you find a printer that’s well connected to your office network, different employees can use it directly from their laptops and tabs. It means that you can have one multi-purpose printer for each department. 

8. A UPS 

UPS stands for uninterruptible power supply. This means that if you have such a device, your office machines can continue to run for a few hours after a sudden power outage. There are times when you could be typing an urgent document for a client or have a few deadlines to complete a project. If the power suddenly goes out, and your work is disrupted; you may lose valuable information. A UPS allows you to be prepared and finish whatever you are doing first. 

Updated 07-May-2019

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