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How CBD-oil helps relieve pain

How CBD-oil helps relieve pain

William Horton1195 01-Mar-2019

Cannabis, CBD, cannabidiol, and endocannabinoid system are words that have been popping up in social media, magazines, and other mainstream media, usually accompanied by pictures of vibrantly green, healthy-looking pot plants. The health benefits of CBD oil have been shouted from the rooftops. People who have used it to fight pain swear by it.  

The first thing you should know is that CBD oil is the essential oil extracted from the hemp plant. Those who have never used it immediately think it will make you high. It won't.

The THC that makes you high comes from another plant, Cannabis Indica. So what's all the fuss about? How does CBD oil relieve pain?

What Exactly Is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol is extracted from a special strain of hemp plant called industrial hemp or Cannabis Sativa. The plant's seeds are pressed until their oil comes out. It has little to no THC, the compound that makes pot smokers' heads feel fluffy and light. The oil, therefore, provides health benefits without the worry of addiction or a high.

What Is An Endocannabinoid System And Do I Have One? 

Everyone has one. The body is run and maintained by 11 major systems. Just a few are the pulmonary system, which regulates oxygen going through the lungs, the endocrine system, which regulates everything from body temperature to digestion to the reproductive system, and the nervous system which gets messages to the brain that muscles are sore or the body needs sleep. 

The body produces its own endocannabinoids in the brain and the immune system. The endocannabinoid system relates to the brain through CB1 or the endocannabinoid receptor. It regulates mood, sleep, memory, appetite, and thinking.

The endocannabinoid system has another receptor or CB2 which is located in the immune system. It regulates the body's response to pain.

Where Does Pain Come From?

Before you can understand how CBD oil relieves pain, you should know how pain starts. Most people know they just twisted their knee while working out. They have no idea what happens inside the body when it expresses the pain.

When the injury occurs, the tissues around the injury communicate with the nerves. The nerves then send a message to the brain along the spine. The brain then notifies the necessary hormones to travel to the injured area to stop the pain. These messages all travel through the nervous system.

The body then swings into action by packing water around the injured area to protect it from further harm. The immune system then sends inflammation to protect the injured part from any other shocks.

How Does CBD Oil Affect Pain?

Cannabidiol hits the brain first in order to regulate pain perception. Serotonin is a hormone in the brain. It's usually a feel-good hormone, but when the body is in pain, it turns any area near the injured portion into an area sensitive to pain.

Anandamide is a neurotransmitter that binds to the endocannabinoid CB1 in the brain. It is very important in managing pain signals. CBD oil works with these substances to decrease pain perception.

CBD oil invites the body's endocannabinoid system to make more of its own cannabinoids. This inspires the body to positively affect its own pain management. Here you can get the best CBD oil for pain.

Using Topically Applied CBD Oil 

The oil is used in creams, tinctures, soft gels, and oil. Let's say you bought CBD oil and rubbed it into your hurt knee. Three things will happen:  

>The cannabinoids will interact with the nerve system, telling it to contact the brain with the message that there is no more pain.

>The cannabinoids will then alert the immune system that there is no need to send inflammation, and that the situation is under control.

>Mitochondria function is about the enzymes making up the cells' metabolism. When they are stable and functional, the body doesn't attack itself like it does with osteoarthritis. CBD oil makes this stability happen.

It's plain to see that CBD oil works with the body's own cannabinoids to interact with both the brain and the immune system. It helps to relieve pain beginning with the cells and working up. Inflammation will be a thing of the past, so no more pain.

Medical experts tell us that over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain of some type. They report that people are reaching for natural remedies to avoid suffering from the side effects of chemical medications. They use CBD oil due to reading about successful studies of its effects on arthritic animals.

Chronic pain doesn't only mess with an injured part of the body. It messes with your sleep, it causes depression and anxiety and significantly decreases your quality of life. Many people would rather use one bottle of CBD oil than open multiple bottles of chemicals to treat the problems stemming from chronic pain.

So that's what all the fuss is about. CBD oil is a derivative of the hemp plant and will not get you high. It is natural with several health benefits, some of which are pain relief, anxiety and depression relief, sleep regulation, and it can even be used in your shampoos and beauty creams. The oil works with a system inside your body for the benefit of both the brain and the immune system.

To get more information on the benefits of CBD oil

Updated 28-Oct-2022

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