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What is Strong Name in Assembly?

Sachindra Singh11172 11-Feb-2011

A Strong Name consists of the assembly's identity—its simple text name, version number, and culture information (if provided)—plus a public key and a digital signature. Strong Name is similar to GUID (It is unique in space and time).In COM component we need Strong Name to deploy assembly in GAC.Strong Name to help GAC differentiate between two version. Strong Name use public key cryptography (PKC) that no can spoof it.

How to create Strong Name:

Open visual Studio Command Prompt

Write this code C:\>sn –k “D:\ [FolderName]\ [StrongKeyName.snk]” this code will generate key as shown below:

What is Strong Name in Assembly?

After write above code you will see a message on Command Prompt window “key Pair written to D:\Sachindra\SharedAssembly.snk” as shown below:

What is Strong Name in Assembly?

If  want to check is Strong Name is created or not go to  drive that I have passed in above screen shot and I got Strong Name has created name is “SharedAssembly”as shown below:

What is Strong Name in Assembly?


Updated 07-Sep-2019

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