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Why English is Regarded as the World’s Language?

Why English is Regarded as the World’s Language?

Marie Safel1179 24-Jan-2020

English is often cited as the global language, as it acts as a catalyst for international communication. In this article, we’ll try to figure out the reasons behind using English as a global or world language.

Languages in which the ruler has great power have become widespread historically. The Latin language spoken by the Romans is one example. Also, it is the only language that is the closest thing to become a world’s language due to its wide reach across the globe. Its reach throughout the world is far superior to anything Latin or French has historically achieved, and there has never been a language as widely spoken as English.

For many, English has already been recognized as the de facto lingua franca in the fields of business, science, computer science, innovation, transportation, politics, and entertainment, and its scope has been largely described by the political world.

Here are some of the reasons behind the immense popularity & reach of the English language. Have a look:

Recognized at the United Nations and throughout the EU - English is the preferred language of international organizations such as the United Nations, especially in diplomatic exchanges between political leaders. English is the official language of the European Union. It is spoken as a foreign language in 19 of the 25 EU member states but is not an official language in these countries. Again, politics is at stake, as soon as Britain leaves the European Union, it is expected that English will no longer be the official language of the EU.

Default Language - In addition to global politics, English is recognized as the default language for science, technology, businesses, academics, literature, film and music, internet, etc.

The purchasing power of the English-speaking countries - All major international brands, all inventions and all discoveries of our time are adopted in major English-speaking markets such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. This makes the use of English almost obligatory as the means of communication.

The rise of the United States - English is the main language of the United States, the most powerful nation in the world. The emergence of the United States as a world leader in almost every field, from business to science and technology, entertainment and sports, is one of the main reasons behind the widespread reach of English in the world.

The British Empire - One of the greatest propellers of the English language between the 17th and the 19th century was the former British Empire. The geographical extent of the settlements and the international trade driven by the British led to the spread of the English language on all continents, from South Asia to the Asia-Pacific region, via Africa, the Middle East, and Australia. In fact, most former British colonies, such as India, still use English as the language of formal communication and education, in addition to the local dialect.

Status symbol - In many countries, being able to speak and write English fluently as a non-English speaker is often considered a status symbol because it means that you have been taught "English" in a private school. As a continuation of this reflection, some of the most ambitious academic institutions in the world, such as Yale, Harvard, Cambridge, and Oxford, are based in English-speaking countries. 

There are currently many famous English-medium schools in the world that provide a world-class education to its children, as well as fostering all the bright minds on their path towards a successful profession, in their chosen field.

Thanks for reading!

Updated 02-Mar-2020
Marie Safel writer with experience of more than 10 years in professional writing, she write for various topics like health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness etc So that people can learn something new. And she is a lover of world cultures, languages, souls, food, oceans, wild spaces and urban places by nature.

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