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5 Best Website to Find a Job for Your Career

5 Best Website to Find a Job for Your Career

Harry Mason2306 06-Nov-2019

The Best Sites You Can Find a Job.

You may think that a search on a site may not bring you the ideal job. Some restraint is normal because, in fact, there is a risk that some ads you see will promise your sea salt and, in fact, be something else entirely.

However, the variants we propose have developed over time and I can guarantee that the employer is a reliable one and that the positions put up for battle are as real as possible.

At the end of 2020, the National Agency for Employment announced that there are over 22,000 jobs available in the country. Let's have a look at some best job websites.

5. LinkedIn

  • It is a network dedicated to the business environment, with over 400,000 employees in United States alone. There you will find, as on Facebook, a feed with all kinds of posts of interest, news and, of course, job announcements;
  • The specific feature of this network is that you can build a profile that takes the form of a CV and to which the people you have worked with can add recommendations;
  • You can upgrade based on a subscription and, for example, when a company hires, your profile will appear among the first options;
  • The advantage is that large companies are recruiting based on this network. LinkedIn is made so that, depending on the settings you make, you appear in the searches of companies looking for employees, in the field in which you work;
  • The site gathers, on average, per month. over 700,000 visitors.

4. Indeed

  • Indeed is good especially early in career. That's because you start by building a resume on your site. They give you the diagram, but also useful tips on how to build it, and you add the content;
  • Works on a filter basis and thus allows you to geolocate a job; 
  • The advantage of the site is that from the homepage you can find useful information about interesting internships or workshops;
  • In addition, Indeed specialized in carrying out relevant market studies aimed at highlighting, year by year, who are the best employers of the moment. So, you can start a search on this site and choose from the top 500 companies that post job ads here;
  • The site has almost 200,000 visitors per month.

3. YoursVacancy

  • At the moment, YoursVacancy is one of the highest traffic job sites (800,000 visitors per month on average), with over 3 millions active CVs (this means that millions of people have built one CV on site or uploaded a CV to their account, to send to employers);
  • The advantage of the site is the variety. You will find over 8000 job listings across the country and at various stages of your career;
  • And here you will find tips on how to build your CV, how to properly negotiate your salary, etc.

2. SimplyHired

  • Here you simply list the active ads you can apply to;
  • Unlike the other sites, there is not so much emphasis on promoting a certain employer (there is no qualitative top);
  • The advantage of this site is the diversity of the ads;
  • Almost 450,000 people access the site every month.

1. ZipRecruiter

  • The site allows you to promote your account. You pay and your profit appears in the recommendations for employers;
  • You have a very clear index to help you make a selection of companies depending on the industry in which they operate;
  • Its advantage is that it lets you send your CV at the same time to 400 companies;
  • Around 170,000 people access the site monthly.

Let us know What sites do you go to in search of a job? Do you prefer to look for a job online or go for recommendations (e.g. - a colleague who knows a job for you)?

Updated 16-Nov-2019
I write content for businesses, websites, blogs, etc. My experience in copywriting includes finance and loans, accounting, software, real estate, technology services, etc. Copywriting must hit three marks to be considered effective: it needs to increase accessibility, exposure, and conversions. These foundational supports are crucial to consider when developing the architecture of your website or writing. For four years, I have edited a variety of written content for businesses and individuals

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