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List in java

Manoj Pandey2197 13-Apr-2015

The List interface extends Collection and declares the behaviour of a collection that stores a sequence of elements.

·     Elements can be inserted or accessed by their position in the list, using a zero-based index.

·     A list may contain duplicate elements.

·     In addition to the methods defined by Collection.

·     Several of the list methods will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the collection cannot be modified, and a ClassCastException is generated when one object is incompatible with another. 

 We can define List data type which data type will be store in the list.


List<String> myList=new ArrayList( );
// store only String type value
myList.add(" Data1");
myList.add(" Data2");
myList.add(" Data3");
List mList=new ArrayList( );
// store any type value
mList.add(" Data1");
mList.add(" Data2");
mList.add(" Data3");
 List in java

In List class we can add several types of data but List<e> interface we can add only e type data for example

List mList=new ArrayList( );
mList.add(" Data1");


Insert value in list

Syntax -:listObj.add(Value);


Update value in particular index

Syntax -:listObj.set(int index, Value;

 myList.set(4, "Update"); 

Find value from index

Syntax-: listobj.get(int index);

Remove value from index

Syntax-: listobj.remove(int index);

Get index of Object

Syntax-: listobj.indexOf(Object);
int index=myList.indexOf("Data2");
If record found then return index position otherwise return -1. 

Here I am creating example if List sample for insert, manipulation, deletion etc.


import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;


public class Demo {

     static List<String> myList;


     public static void main(String args[]) {


           myList = new ArrayList<String>();

           // insertData("Data1");


           for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {

                insertData("Item" + i);



           updateList("Data10", 10);







     public static void insertData(String data) {


           // System.out.println("Data Inserted.");




     public static void updateList(String data, int index) {

           index = index - 1;

           if (index < myList.size()) {

                myList.set(index, data);

                System.out.println("Data Updated.");

           } else

    System.out.println("You have not enough data index for update.");



     public static void DeleteByIndex(int index) {

           index = index - 1;

           if (index < myList.size()) {


                System.out.println("Data Deleted.");

           } else

System.out.println("You have not enough data index for delete.");




     public static void DeleteByData(String data) {

           int index = myList.indexOf(data);

           if (index >= 0) {


                System.out.println("Data Deleted.");

           } else

                System.out.println("Data not found for delete.");







List in java


Updated 07-Sep-2019

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