Access iPhone/iPad contact list using Address Book and display contact list in UITableView in iOS
Access iPhone/iPad contact list using Address Book and display contact list in UITableView in iOS

Step-1  Create a new project. Step- 2 Add AddressBook.framework to the project.Step-3 Import “AddressBook/AddressBook.h” in AppDelegate.h following

Sending email in iOS Objective-C
Sending email in iOS Objective-C

Follow the following step to send email in iOS Objective C- Step - 1Include theMessageUI.frameworkin your project . Select project go -settings -Ge

Create action sheet in iOS using UIAlertController in Objective-C
Create action sheet in iOS using UIAlertController in Objective-C

You can create action sheet in iOS 8 or later version using UIAlertController Following is the sample code for creating action sheet using UIAlertCont

How to use UIAlertController in Objective-C iOS
How to use UIAlertController in Objective-C iOS

UIAlertController introduced in iOS 8 .UIAlertController replaces the UIActionSheet and UIAlertView classes. UIAlertController can be used for displaying alerts ,confirmation alert ,act as action sheet and used for login purpose etc.