How to leverage ReactJS for Beautiful UI ?
How to leverage ReactJS for Beautiful UI ?

The popularity of React native as a JavaScript framework can be ascribed to its designer-friendly elements besides core aspects like performance and reusable components. Here we are going to explain the key advantages of React Native framework from

how to show tool tip in html using jquery

Just another jQuery based tooltip popup plugin which has the ability to automatically set the placement direction based on the position of the matched element.

how to create message alert box using jquery
how to create message alert box using jquery

alert.js is a jQuery/Zepto plugin used to create mobile-friendly popup boxes that meet all your needs about confirm/alert dialogs and toast-style notifications.

how to create left navigation menu in html using jQuery and bootstrap
how to create left navigation menu in html using jQuery and bootstrap

A jQuery plugin for creating a Bootstrap style vertical nav menu which allows you to expand/collapse menu categories with smooth slide effects.

how to open first time popup on page load in website
how to open first time popup on page load in website

Use jquery.firstVisitPopup.js plugin to open first time popup on your website. The firstVisitPopup jQuery plugin which uses browser cookies to show up a modal popup (e.g. welcome modal) to first-time visitors.

Use jQuery toggleClass()
Use jQuery toggleClass()

The jQuery toggleCLass() method is used to add or remove one or more classes from the html selected elements. This method toggles between adding and removing one or more class name. It checks each element for the specified class names.

CURD Operations in ASP.NET MVC using jQuery dialog with EF
CURD Operations in ASP.NET MVC using jQuery dialog with EF

In this article I will try to demonstrate, CURD (Create, Update, Delete, and Retrieve) operation using jQuery dialog with Entity Framework.

ASP.NET MVC5 Razor With jQuery
ASP.NET MVC5 Razor With jQuery

In this article I will take a simplest way to create a simple MVC application for beginners. If you are a beginner and want to be find how to create modal, controller and their views with extra plugins such as jQuery.

HTML5 and JQuery Way for Uploading Files
HTML5 and JQuery Way for Uploading Files

Most websites use HTML5 and jQuery plugins to upload files without requiring the user to send a POST request to the server but that is not a productive way to upload files.