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SQL Injection and Prevention in C#

SQL Injection is a common security vulnerability that occurs when an attacker manipulates SQL queries by injecting malicious input, potentially allowing unautho

ADO.NET DataSet Class

The DataSet class in ADO.NET is a disconnected, in-memory representation of data. It can store multiple DataTable objects, along with relationships, constraints

Proof of Disconnected Data Access in ADO.NET

disconnected data access means fetching data from a database, working with it in-memory (using DataSet, DataTable, or DataView), and not maintaining an active c

ADO.NET SqlCommand Class

The SqlCommand class in ADO.NET is used to execute SQL queries, stored procedures, and commands against a SQL Server database.

When to Use ADO.NET?

ADO.NET is best suited for scenarios where you need to interact with a database in a structured and efficient manner.

Explain with Example Disconnected environment in ado.net

The disconnected environment in ADO.NET, enables efficient data handling and improved performance by decoupling datasets from the database connection.

Which is better Entity Framework or ADO.NET?

There are different tools for data access in the .net development like ado.net and Entity Framework. But which one is better. Let's see!

what is 1inch PVC pipe fittings?

The report about the Global PVC Pipe Current market offers complete data to the PVC Pipe market. Pieces, for example, main participants, analysis, size, situation belonging to the business, SWOT analysis, and best patterns already in the market are

Difference between executereader and executenonquery in c#

ExecuteNonQuery(): It will work with Action Queries only (Create,Alter,Drop,Insert,Update,Delete). Returns the count of rows affected by the Query.