AI and ML Anonymous User132925-Jun-2018Difference between AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) ?artificial intelligencepython-3.4 artificial intelligence Updated on 26-Jun-2018
Prakash nidhi Verma
26-Jun-2018Difference between ML and AI :
- Artificial intelligence is defined by known knowledge means its ability to acquire and apply knowledge for better results.
- AI increase chance of success but not accuracy in any given problem.
- AI work as a computer program that does work very smartly.
- AI goals is to simulate natural intelligence to solve complex problem in real life.
- AI is decision making field.
- AI will go for finding the optimal solution foe given problem.
- AI leads to intelligence or wisdom of technology.
- ML is defined by knowledge or skill.
- ML aim is to increase accuracy, but it does not care about success.
- ML is a simple concept machine takes data and learn from data.
- in ML we learn from data on given task to maximize the performance of machine on the basis of task.
- ML allows to learn new things from data set problems.
- It's involves in creating self learning algorithms for any problem.
- ML will go for only solution of the problem. it is not matter its optimal or not.
- ML leads to your knowledge not intelligence.