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How to change position left to right of bootstrap datepicker

Anonymous User1658004-Oct-2014

I'm using a datepicker from bootstrap and I cant handle changing the position from right to left.

here is the html:

 <divstyle="width: 40%; margin: 100pxauto;">
    <divstyle="width: 100%;"class="input-group date form_date col-md-12"data-date=""data-date-format="dd MM yyyy"data-link-field="dtp_input2"data-link-format="yyyy-mm-dd">
        <spanclass="input-group-addon"><spanclass="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span></span>

Here is javascript code:

    $(function () {
            place: bottom-left

But it did not work

Updated on 04-Oct-2014
I am a content writter !

Can you answer this question?


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