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How to set DataGridView cell style unchangeable

Samuel Fernandes 2427 06-Mar-2014

I'm trying to set different back color of my DayaGridview rows by specific column

This is my Code:

private void SetFormat_dgv_Scheduled(string columnsname)
        dgv_Scheduled.Sort(dgv_Scheduled.Columns[columnsname], ListSortDirection.Ascending);
        Color clr = Color.Red;
        string dt = (Convert.ToDateTime(dgv_Scheduled.Rows[0].Cells[columnsname].Value)).ToShortDateString();
        foreach(DataGridViewRow row in dgv_Scheduled.Rows)
            if (Convert.ToDateTime(row.Cells[columnsname].Value).ToShortDateString() != dt)
                    clr = Color.LightBlue;
                    clr = Color.Red;
             row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = clr;

It works fine.

But when I click header to autosort, all format will set to default style.

(All red rows change back to white)

Is there any way that I can set format unchangeable?


c# c# 
Updated on 06-Mar-2014

Can you answer this question?


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