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How to get id from dropdownlist?

Anonymous User 1689 22-Jan-2014

I have such list

public IList<SelectListItem> ToCountryList { get; set; }

I have such line in the razor view

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Filter.ToCountryId, Model.ToCountryList, string.Empty, new { style = "min-width: 100px; width:180px" })

Now i want with juery to select ToCountryId from the selected value of dropdownlist .How to get it ?

Such thing gives nothing

$("select[name='Filter.ToCountryId'] option:selected").val()

html from browser (not sure how to publush - so plain text) starts

select id="Filter_ToCountryId" name="Filter.ToCountryId" style="min-width: 100px; width:180px"

option tags with countries ends

Guys, I need an id of the record.

For example - I have a pair ID-NAME 5-USA. So i need to retrieve 5 (int)

c# c# 
Updated on 23-Jan-2014
I am a content writter !

Can you answer this question?


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