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how to access my form's panel in my class

Mark Devid 1855 18-Dec-2013

I have a form and in the form I have a panel named : mypanel

now I want to write a class and in this class I want to use this:

foreach (Control cont in mypanel.Controls)
            // do sth
but it is impossible, please help me how to access my form's panel in my class
I use this code :
foreach (Control cont in mypanel.Controls)
                if (cont is PictureBox)
                    string path = @"" + Application.StartupPath + "\\Image\\";
                    cont.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(path + Rnd.Next(7).ToString() + ".png");

and I have this Error:

"the name 'mypanel' does not Exist in the current context"

c# c# 
Updated on 18-Dec-2013

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