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ContextMenu for ListViewItem only

marcel ethan 4643 23-Sep-2013

I have a context menu - problem is I need it to only open when a listviewitem is clicked. Right now it will open if I click anywhere in the listview or in the header.




            <MenuItem Header="More Info" Command="{Binding MoreInfo}" />





           <!-- columns and stuff here -->




I have tried adding the ContextMenu as a resource and applying it as a style, but this breaks the command (clicking on More Info should open a dialog window, doesnt work this way)


    <ContextMenu x:Key="ItemContextMenu">

        <MenuItem Header="More Info" Command="{Binding MoreInfo}" Background="WhiteSmoke" />




    <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListViewItem}" >

        <Setter Property="ContextMenu" Value="{StaticResource ItemContextMenu}" />



So not sure how to restrict the context menu to only the listviewitem and have the command work.

Updated on 23-Sep-2013

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