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how to get values in dropdownlist bounded within a gridview?

Anonymous User 2649 20-Nov-2014

Inside gridview a dropdownlist is there 

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Quantity">
        <asp:DropDownList ID="quantity" runat="server" DataValueField="ItemID" DataTextField="Quantity">

for each itemid there is some numeric value in Quantity field of Database Table i want that this dropdown must contain the values from 1 to quantity.DataTextField for all the items present in the cart 

the procedure by which gridview is bound is 

create proc [dbo].[prcItemsinCart](@CartID int)
    select distinct ct.Price,ct.Quantity,ct.ItemID,
           isnull((  select top 1 convert(varchar,PhotoID,10) + '.' + ExtName
                 from ProductPhoto
                 where ProductID = ct.ProductID ),'NoImage.jpg'
           ) as Product,
           ( Select Price*Quantity
             from CartItems
             where CartID=ct.CartID and ProductID=ct.ProductID
           ) as SubTotal
    from CartItems as ct
    inner join ProductInfo as p on ct.ProductID=p.ProductID
    inner join ProductPhoto as pp on ct.ProductID=pp.ProductID
    where ct.CartID=@CartID

Updated on 20-Nov-2014
I am a content writter !

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