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Why is the Pname com facebook orca error that's irritate every Facebook user?

Have you at any point gotten a spring up message on the Android telephone screen on Facebook, Pname com facebook orca error on Android, that indica

Best free travel apps for Android tablets and smartphones

You might often see travel tips articles listing down the best iPad and iPhone apps that can help holidaymakers. This time we put the spotlight to som

Best Kotlin tips for Android application development solutions

With inheritx, you don’t run the risk of goof-ups and errors. We have been in business for 6 years and have arguably built the best client portfolio mobile app development and services.

WebView in Android: Display Local Assets

WebView is also quite useful in displaying local content to take advantage of either HTML/CSS formatting or the pan/zoom behavior it provides to its contents.

WebView in Android: Display a URL

WebView is a view widget that can be embedded in any layout to display web content, both local and remote, in your application.WebView is based on the

Locking Activity Orientation in Android

In my previous articles, we analyze the tweaks involved with action bar: Leveraging action bar in AndroidLeveraging Action bar in android: Tab Naviga

Saving data in Android: Saving in Key-Value Sets

In my previous post we discuss how to get the result from an activity(Getting a Result from an Activity). Now we learn how to save the data in Android