The Last Supermoon of this Year would Appear on the Next Full Moon in the Next Week
The next full moon and the last supermoon of this year would be seen on Thursday, 11th August. It would reach its peak at around 9:36pm EDT. In India, the supermoon would get visible on Friday, 12th August.
- On 11th August the last supermoon of the year would get appeared in the sky
- Supermoon happens once the moon's orbit is nearest to Earth at the time full moon
- It would appear full for three days, which would be from Wednesday to Friday
The supermoon could be referred as Full Sturgeon Moon, and it would be the fourth of the four supermoons in a very row. As per NASA, the term Sturgeon Moon has come from the native American Algonquin tribes, who had noticed that the sturgeon fish could get caught very easily during this time of the year.
A supermoon happens once the moon's orbit is nearest to Earth during the same time when the moon is full. A supermoon would seem 14 to 30 per cent brighter than on an average night. It has been expected to appear full for three days, which would be from Wednesday to Friday.
The Sturgeon Moon may, however, place a damper on the other sky-watching activities. Well, the peak of the full moon would also coincide with the Perseids meteor shower, which would be considered as one of the great meteor showers of the years.
Perseid meteor showers would eventually provide a light show of around 50 to 100 shooting stars per hour at its height. However, as per the American space agency, this year, it's probably going to come down significantly due to the full moon.
According to NASA astronomer Bill Cooke, 'Sadly, this year's Perseids peak would give the worst possible circumstances for spotters. Most people in North America would unremarkably see 50 or 60 meteors per hour. However this year, during the normal peak, the full Moon would scale down that to 10-20 per hour at the best.'
The Perseids basically are considered to be the debris and remnants of Comet Swift-Turtle. Therefore, it was last spotted in 1992. Recently the experts would not even expect it to hurtle past the Earth till 2125.
The Perseids are expected to peak on 13th August. But as the full moon would subside, it would also start to fade away in between 21st August and 22nd August and would get completely vanish by 1st September.
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