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Interface in C#

Uttam Misra3470 27-Dec-2010

An interfacelooks like a class, but has no implementation. The only thing it contains isdefinitions of events, indexers, methods and/or properties.The reason interfaces onlyprovide definitions is because they are inherited by classes and structs,which must provide an implementation for each interface member defined.

//defining first interface
    interface Ifirst
        voidsum(int a, intb);
//definingsecond interface which inherits first interface
    interface Isecond:Ifirst
        voidsub(int a, intb);
//definingclass which inherits second interface
    class newClass : Isecond
//implementinginterface defined methods
        public void sum(int a, int b)
            MessageBox.Show("Sum is: " + (a + b).ToString());
        public void sub(int a, int b)
            MessageBox.Show("Difference is: " + (a - b).ToString());

Updated 18-Sep-2014
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