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The link between Sleep and Diabetes

The link between Sleep and Diabetes

Niyati Thole367 26-Apr-2022

According to experts, lack of sleep is a significant risk factor for diabetes, which in some cases is managed.

Diabetes does not always indicate that your sleep is disturbed. The question of what symptoms you have of diabetes and how you manage them is very high.

When you are trying to fall asleep, several symptoms can cause problems:

Urination may become more frequent as blood sugar levels rise. If your blood sugar is high at night, you may need to get up more often to use the toilet.

When your body has too much glucose in your tissues it takes in water from it. As a result, you will become dehydrated which will cause you to get up and drink several glasses of water.

Low blood sugar signs and symptoms such as chills, dizziness, and sweating can affect your sleep.

What effect does insomnia have on diabetes?

Sleep deprivation is associated with changes in the hormonal balance, which affects diet and weight. If you have diabetes, you are trapped in a vicious cycle. It is common to compensate for sleep deprivation by overeating in an attempt to gain energy through calories.

It raises your blood sugar level, making it harder to get a good night's sleep. Then you may be in a similar sleeping position.

Insomnia can also lead to obesity. Obesity increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Sleeping tips to help you get a good night's sleep

Follow these tips to get a good night's sleep.

Turn off all electrical appliances before going to bed.

Avoid using your phone or e-reader late at night as the lights can wake you up. To soothe your thoughts and reduce eye strain, read old-fashioned literature before bedtime.

Avoid drinking alcohol before bedtime.

Even if a glass of wine relaxes your body and makes you sleepy, you are unlikely to fall asleep for a full 8 hours after drinking at bedtime.

Eliminate all sources of distraction.

If you receive late-night text messages, turn off your phone.

Instead of using the alarm app on your phone, consider purchasing an alarm clock. This may allow you to turn off your phone overnight as you do not need it.

Make a white noise

Although it may seem like a lovely way to wake up, the early morning birdsong disturbs sleep. Laundrymen and street sweepers who go to work in the early hours of the morning are disturbed in their sleep.

If you are a light sleeper, turning on the ceiling, desk or central air fan can reduce these distractions.

Maintain a consistent bedtime schedule.

Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time, including on weekends.

Your body feels tired and wakes up naturally.

Stay away from stimuli overnight.

Drinking caffeinated beverages, exercising, and doing simple household chores at night are also bad ideas.

A slow-moving yoga practice that can prepare your body for sleep is the only nighttime exercise you should consider. Otherwise, your blood circulation will speed up and it will take a long time for your body to settle down.

Word of advice

If you have trouble sleeping, consult your doctor. Doing daily chores can be difficult if you do not receive treatment that interferes with long-term sleep.

Consider one or more lifestyle adjustments to improve your sleep quality in the short term. Even if you make only minor adjustments, it is likely to have a significant impact.

It takes about three weeks to build a habit, so it is important to stick to it every day.

An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driven by the motive to make a difference in the sphere of mental health - and normalize seeking help through a sensitive and empathetic approach

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