In this Applicationwe have to show how data is populating from the database in Datagridview on the click of a button and records display from the database in Datagridview and as we click on anyfields in the datagrid data will be shown on the same page where we are clicking the button for showing records from the Datagridview not on the another form as shown below.
as we click on the Button as shown above in the figure (…),Datagridview display with their records from the database as shown below and as you select the data from the datagridview data can be display in the “form1” as shown above.For this we have to create one form with the help of Add NewForm and
Take a Datagridview inside the “Form1” as shown above with respected fields as five Textboxes along with their label and two Button one for open the Datagridview and one button for close the button.
First step is to show data from the database in the form “show” in Datagridview.
privatevoid Show_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//connection creating and passing connection string inside.
SqlConnection con = newSqlConnection("server=abc-PC1\\sqlexpress; uid=sa; password=sa; database=Mind");
con.Open();//open the connection
//seeting query in the dataadapter by creating their object
SqlDataAdapter ada = newSqlDataAdapter("select * from employee", con);
//creating datatable object
DataTable dt = newDataTable();
ada.Fill(dt);//filling data in adapter
dataDataView1.DataSource = dt; ;//setting datasource of dataDataview to object of datatable
The above code display a record from the database in Dataview on the click event of button.
As we populate data from the database in Datagridview on selecting of the fields in the Datagridview records will be display on the “Form1” along with their fields.this would be performed by set and get property.
Place a code on the show area of button as below
privatevoid dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
//setting various records in gridview as rowindex with their respected values in “id”
id = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value);
Code for property
publicint id_val //name of the property is id_value
Get //get keyword used for value.
return (id);//passing id
Complete code can be written as follows below
publicpartialclassShow1 : Form
int id;//global assign id
public Show1()
privatevoid Show_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = newSqlConnection("server=abc-PC1\\sqlexpress; uid=sa; password=sa; database=Mind");
SqlDataAdapter ada = newSqlDataAdapter("select * from employee", con);
DataTable dt = newDataTable();
dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
privatevoid dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
id = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value);
publicint id_val
return (id);
Next we need to populate data from the various texts in “form1” on the selecting keyword of data in grid.
Complete code as shown below, place it on the various events a button click and form load event.
publicpartialclassForm1 : Form
int nID;//gloabal declaration
SqlConnection con;//global declaration
public Form1()
privatevoid button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Show1 sh = newShow1();//creating object of “show1”
nID = sh.id_val;//setting the property
SqlCommand cmd = newSqlCommand("select * from employee where Employee_id='" + nID + "'", con);
//creating datareader object
SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
//assigning respected values from the textbox
txtID.Text = rdr[0].ToString();
txtName.Text = rdr[1].ToString();
txtAddress.Text = rdr[2].ToString();
txtPhoneno.Text = rdr[3].ToString();
txtAge.Text = rdr[4].ToString();
rdr.Close();//close the reader
privatevoid Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//coonection created with the help of connection string
con = new SqlConnection("server=abc-PC1\\sqlexpress; uid=sa; password=sa; database=Mind");
con.Open();//open the connection
SqlCommand cmd = newSqlCommand("select * from employee where Employee_id='" + nID + "'", con);
SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
//assigning data in various textfield.
txtID.Text = rdr[1].ToString();
txtName.Text = rdr[2].ToString();
txtAddress.Text = rdr[3].ToString();
txtPhoneno.Text = rdr[4].ToString();
txtAge.Text = rdr[5].ToString();
con.Close();//closing the connection
catch (Exception ex)
privatevoid btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Close();//close the appliaction
The desired Output as shown below.
Once we click on the button as shown above it will display records in a datagridview. Next if a user Double Click any of the fields in the datagridview data will reflect in the “form1”, as shown below.
Anonymous User
20-Feb-2019Nice Article. Thanks for sharing it.
mohan kumar
20-Oct-2011John Smith