Explain the Loops in AngularJS
Explain the Loops in AngularJS

Loops are effectively handled using the ng-repeat directive, which allows for the dynamic generation of HTML elements based on collections or objects.

AngularJS Controllers and Scope
AngularJS Controllers and Scope

AngularJS controllers and scopes are essential for organizing application logic and managing data binding between controllers and views.

Create Custom Services in AngularJS
Create Custom Services in AngularJS

Creating custom services in AngularJS provides a structured way to organize and share code across your application.

Explain the concept and use DOM Manipulation
Explain the concept and use DOM Manipulation

The DOM represents an HTML or XML document as a tree structure, where each node corresponds to a part of the document (such as an element, attribute, or piece o

Explain the concept OOPs in JavaScript
Explain the concept OOPs in JavaScript

Object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript is a programming paradigm that allows you to structure your code in a way that models real-world objects.