Alert Box in Android
Alert Box in Android

The component of an alert dialog box is setPostiveButton and setNegativeButton value followed by onClickListener event. onClickListener invoke when the user clicks on the button and response is generated.

Displaying a Context Menu in Response of User Action
Displaying a Context Menu in Response of User Action

Android context menu appears when the user press long click on the element. It is also known as floating menu. Context Menu is a useful solution, particularly when we want to provide a list of actions based on an item click in a ListView.

Navigation Drawer Implementation in Android
Navigation Drawer Implementation in Android

Hi Everyone, Here we are going to learn how to implement a very popular UI pattern called navigation drawer list in andriod

Simple Calculator App in Android
Simple Calculator App in Android

Hi Everyone, here I am explaining how to create a simple calculator app in Android to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations