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where does render :partial html end up

Jayden Bell215213-Feb-2013

Hi Everyone!

I have a view with an Ajax form:

<%= form_tag( {:action => 'some_action'}, {:remote => true}) do %>
  <%= submit_tag "Submit" %>
<% end %>
Now, in the target action, I want to display a partial

def some_action
  # some logic
  render :partial => "some_partial"
The partial is just html. _some_partial.html.erb could be

<br>Hi, this is the partial</br>
When I submit the form, I see the html response packet is received in the browser (with firebug's net logs), but the html doesn't show up anywhere. Where

should the html be? How to render a partial html view from an action?

Please help ASAP.

Thanks in advance


Updated on 13-Feb-2013

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