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viewbag in mvc 4

Anonymous User210209-Oct-2014
I am using a ViewBag as my checkpoint to which partial view should I render on a certain div and here's my code.
In Controller:
        publicActionResult NewAppointment(appointment.AppointmentInformation model)
            if (ViewBag.NextForm == null || ViewBag.NextForm == "undefined")
                info.CustomerType = model.CustomerType;
                ViewBag.NextForm = "Information";
            elseif (ViewBag.NextForm == "Information")
                info.CustomerID = String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CustomerID) ? "" : model.CustomerID;
                info.CustomerName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CustomerName) ? "" : model.CustomerName;
                info.CustomerCNum = String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CustomerCNum) ? "" : model.CustomerCNum;
                ViewBag.NextForm = "Services";
            elseif (ViewBag.NextForm == "Services")
                //do nothing;
            return View(info);

In View:

        @if (ViewBag.NextForm == null || ViewBag.NextForm == "undefined")
        @if (ViewBag.NextForm == "Information")
        @if (ViewBag.NextForm == "Services")

On third click of btnNext, the @Html.Part @Html.Partial("Service") is not working. But the first two @Html.Partial is working fine.

Updated on 09-Oct-2014
I am a content writter !

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