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HTML Agility pack with c#

Anonymous User 2643 03-Jun-2015

c# code:`

var node = new HtmlWeb();
                var doc = node.Load("");
                HtmlNode ournode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='heads']")
` html code :
//< div id="heads" >
      <a href="/sudenur3434" data-rlt-aid="welcome_head"><img alt="" class="head" id="face_30132803" src=" thumb_tiny/IMG_20150513_192250.jpg" /></a>
      <a href="/leylaulucay" data-rlt-aid="welcome_head"><img alt="" class="head" id="face_56578735" src="thumb_tiny/11094711_919135961470973_149663457_njpg720960png1280963.png" /></a>

 I want to see the following in the text box



html c#  html5 
Updated on 03-Jun-2015
I am a content writter !

Can you answer this question?


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