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Passing array from ajax to controller

Anonymous User 2562 25-Jan-2014

I am trying to pass an array variable from ajax to controller, but I am not getting the values in controller

below is my code


 function userDetailsClass() {
          var userDetails = {};
          userDetails.age = 12;
          userDetails.Name = "Vignesh";
          userDetails.lastName = "s";
              url: "Home/userDetails",
              data: JSON.stringify({
                  UserDetailsParam: userDetails
              responseType: "json",
              success: successfn,
              error: errorfn
          function successfn(result) {
          function errorfn(result) {


public ActionResult userDetails( string UserDetailsParam){
            return View();

I also tried

public ActionResult userDetails( string[] UserDetailsParam){
            return View();

c# c# 
Updated on 25-Jan-2014
I am a content writter !

Can you answer this question?


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