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how to remove and add css class to a specific textbox inside gridview in c#

Anonymous User 6345 18-Dec-2013

Please tell me how to remove and add CssClass to a specific textbox inside gridview ?

This is what i have tried but it doesnot changee css for the textbox

my css in my .aspx page is :

<style type="text/css">
       border:3px solid red

in my button click here is my code for gridview looping where depending upon the condition i want to change the border color of the textbox;

 var result = (from f in dtCloned.AsEnumerable()
                      group f by f.Field<string>("AssetDescription") into g
                          AssetDescription = g.Key,
                          TotalAmount = g.Sum(r => r.Field<double?>("Amount"))
foreach (var aAsset in result.AsEnumerable())
  if (aAsset.TotalAmount < 0)
     foreach (GridViewRow arow in GridProjectDetails.Rows)
         string AssetDescription = ((TextBox)arow.FindControl("TextAssetDescription")).Text;
         if (AssetDescription == aAsset.AssetDescription)
             ((TextBox)arow.FindControl("TextAmount")).CssClass = "erroramount";

Updated on 18-Dec-2013
I am a content writter !

Can you answer this question?


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