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How to insert an List of string array into a table rows in Javascript

Anonymous User 2337 17-Dec-2013

Hi I have a MVC project and I am calling a POST to get data from server-side which works great!

I have a bootstrap css table to which I want to bind all the data in the call back function for POST.

Below is my code snippet:


dataButton.on("click", function GetTRS() {
        var objectID = updateFeature.attributes.OBJECTID;
        var Direction = updateFeature.attributes.DIR;
        var Township = updateFeature.attributes.TWNSHP;
        var Range = updateFeature.attributes.RNG;
        var Section = updateFeature.attributes.SECTION_;
        $.post("/Home/Index", { "T": Township, "R": Range, "S": Section }, function (data) {}, 'json');


div class="container">
<table class="Computed CIR table table-bordered">
            <th style="text-align: center"><b>Crop</b></th>
            <th style="text-align: center"><b>ET (inches)</b></th>
            <th style="text-align: center"><b>Eff.Rain (inches)</b></th>
            <th style="text-align: center"><b>CIR (inches)</b></th>
            <th style="text-align: center"><b>Recharge (inches)</b></th>
    <tbody data-bind="foreach: data">
            <td style="text-align: center" data-bind="text: opCropName"></td>
            <td style="text-align: center" data-bind="text: opET"></td>
            <td style="text-align: center" data-bind="text: opEffRain"></td>
            <td style="text-align: center" data-bind="text: opCIR"></td>
            <td style="text-align: center" data-bind="text: opRecharge"></td>

The data returned from post is a LIST of string arrays with each array having the five data types I am trying to bind to the cells in each row of the table.

Thank you in advance!!

Updated on 17-Dec-2013
I am a content writter !

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