
Home / DeveloperSection / Forums / use openfiledialog to get path of open database C#

use openfiledialog to get path of open database C#

Anonymous User 2387 28-Sep-2013

I'm using Visual Studio Expess 2010. I am trying to figure out how to use the openfiledialog to getthe path of my database.

Currently I close the connection to my database and then try to select the database in the open file dialog but Windows tells me: "This file is in use, close the file..."

If I've closed my db connection what else do I need to do to completely close the file so I can select it in the openfiledialog?

It can depend a lot on where the db file is, e.g. is it in your project? is it in your sql server data folder?

c# c# 
Updated on 28-Sep-2013
I am a content writter !

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