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How to align the footer to bottom of page without using footer tag

Samuel Fernandes277625-Sep-2013

I am a beginner and i have a doubt.i created the Html with table and i need to place the footer at the bottom of the page without using footer there any way to place the footer at the bottom by using table? it will be helpful


    <tr><h2><img src="lock.jpg"  width="80" height="30"/>Welcome to Locker</h2></tr>    


 <table align="center">


<td align="right"><h4><p> Lock name:</p></h4>


<td align="left">

    <h4><input type="text" maxlength="8" name="lock" onkeyup="return AllowLock()"/>



<h6 id="errfn"> </h6>




<td align="right"><h4><p> Key:</p></h4></td>

    <td align="left"><h4><input type="text" maxlength="8" name="keys" onkeyup="return AllowKey()"/>



<h6 id="error"></h6></td>



<td align="right"></td>

    <td align="left"><input id="gobutton" type="submit" value="Go!"/></td>






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Updated on 25-Sep-2013

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