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Data Bound ComboBox partially unclickable

Anonymous User227721-Sep-2013

I have some ComboBoxes set up like this:

    <ComboBox Name="CB_OS" Grid.Row="5" ItemsSource="{Binding OS_Sellection}" SelectedIndex="0" Margin="2" SelectionChanged="OSSelectionChanged">



                <ComboBoxItem Content="{Binding Name}" IsSelected="{Binding IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}"/>




The ComboBox fills with ComboBoxItems correctly, but clicking on the text (Content) does not select the Item. I must click elsewhere, where there is no text to actually change the selected item.

If I change it to this:

<ComboBox Name="CB_OS" Grid.Row="5" SelectedIndex="0" Margin="2" SelectionChanged="OSSelectionChanged">

            <ComboBoxItem Content="OOOOOOOOO"/>

            <ComboBoxItem Content="OOOOOOOOO"/>

            <ComboBoxItem Content="OOOOOOOOO"/>


it works fine.

OS_Selection contains only the following members:

private string name;

private bool isChecked;

private bool isSelected;

So my question is: How can I make the entire row (item) clickable?

Updated on 21-Sep-2013
I am a content writter !

Can you answer this question?


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