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Devexpress Gridview Filter Control

Anonymous User 6662 03-Sep-2013

I have a ASPxGridView component that is filled from a SQL query I wanted to apply a filter on my ASPX Gridview so I wrote:

<dx:ASPxGridView runat="server" ID="gvExecReq" Visible="false" AutoGenerateColumns="true"
        OnPageIndexChanged="gvExecReq_PageIndexChanged" OnBeforeColumnSortingGrouping="gvExecReq_BeforeColumnSortingGrouping">
        **<Settings ShowFilterRow="True" />
        <Settings ShowFilterBar="Visible" ShowHeaderFilterButton="True" />**

the filter is well established, but it is not functional What do I need to add more?

Updated on 03-Sep-2013
I am a content writter !

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