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Saving Image files in server after response

Anonymous User 2397 18-Dec-2014

My application saving a long list of image files and then have to view one of them. The client can browse the images, But its take a long time. I have a dictionary with key - file path and value -Image: 

Dictionary<string, System.Drawing.Image> imageList = new Dictionary<string,System.Drawing.Image>(); 
//filling imageList
foreach (KeyValuePair<imagePath, System.Drawing.Image> item in imageList)
    item.Value.Save(item.Key, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

I am looking for some way to save just one image file, make response, and continue saving the other image files, there is any way to do it? maybe with Thread? Thanks!

Updated on 19-Dec-2014
I am a content writter !

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