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Practicing Meditation to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The Mind Health Coach493 28-May-2019

Meditation has been in practice for a huge number of years. Meditation initially was intended to help develop the comprehension of the sacred and mystical forces of life. Nowadays, Meditation for Stress Reduction is commonly used. It has numerous health advantages and is a highly effective approach to relieve pressure and maintain a healthier lifestyle. With practice, meditation becomes both more of an easy habit to maintain and more of an effective one as well, given that it builds resilience to stress over time.

Putting in the effort to learn and practice meditation can really change your experience of stress in your life. Meditation helps you to feel the inner peace whenever you need it and can create a deep state of relaxation. You can practice meditation wherever you are – whether you are out for a walk, riding in a bus or even amidst a troublesome business conference. Here is a stepwise guide to begin a meditation practice.

Step 1: Get into a comfortable position

Many individuals like to sit in a comfortable chair while others like to sit cross-legged on the ground. You want to be able to completely relax while still staying awake. Guarantee that your posture is right. It is simpler to stay awake through long meditations if your back is straight. If you begin your meditation practice with this in mind, your body will become used to the position as you proceed towards longer periods of time.

Step 2: Close your eye gently

When you are in a comfortable position, look into the distance with a soft look, then gradually lower your eyelids. Keep your jaw slack and slightly open too. You need to relax all of your facial muscles.

Step 3: Clear your head

This is the piece of meditation that takes the most practice and it can cause the most frustration. Keeping your mind clear is the most essential and most difficult aspect of the practice. Figuring out how to do this amid your meditation practice can assist you with letting things go in the rest of your life too. The thought is to remain unattached to thoughts of any sort. That implies that, if the inner narrative voice in your mind speaks up, gently "shush" it and choose inner silence.

Step 4: Keep going

That’s it! Keep letting go of any thoughts that may pop into your mind. The quiet spaces between thoughts will turn out to be longer and more frequent the more you practice. You are on the road of meditation.

Remember, that it is common for your mind to wander amid meditation, regardless of how long you have been practicing meditation. If you are meditating to relax your mind and your attention wanders, slowly return to the object, sensation or movement you are focusing on. Keep in mind, there is no correct or incorrect way to meditate. What is important is that Meditation to Reduces Anxiety and stress and makes you feel better overall.

Updated 28-May-2019

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