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It’s not a small decision, to opt for cosmetic surgery. But, the results in terms of how you look and more importantly, how you feel are definitely worth it. It’s important, though to understand that as with all surgery, there is a period of recovery time that you need to take into account. Full facelift recovery, for example, takes up to 30 days post-surgery – that’s not to say you have to hide away for all that time, but the results will only be completely revealed after that period of time. With tummy tuck San Diego, the recovery time is between four to six weeks.

Facelift recovery is in stages and it’s on the third of fourth day that you’ll likely feel the worst – that’s when the bruising and inflammation really makes itself known. You’ll be given pain killers post-surgery and your wounds will be regularly checked and dressings changed. After the fourth day, you’ll probably not need to take pain killers anymore (although this individual dependent). During the second week, you’ll still have a bit of bruising and swelling, but as long as you stick to doctor’s orders to take it easy, this will reduce each day. After that, facelift recovery is well on its way and you can generally get back to your normal day to day activities and exercise. Keep in mind that it generally takes 30 or more days for the swelling to completely abate.

With a tummy tuck San Diego, you’ll have drains in your cuts for a few days and once they’re out, you’ll need to wear an abdominal binder to prevent excess fluid build-up. While you need to take it easy, it’s also important to move about, taking a stroll will keep your blood flowing properly. You’ll need to sleep in a slightly raised position to help reduce pressure on your abdomen, possibly even with a couple of pillows under your knees. For between four and six weeks, you’ll need to limit strenuous activity, but after you’ve been given the all-clear by your surgeon, you’ll be able to get back to your normal daily routines.
It’s essential to do as much research as possible, on the procedure as well as the surgeon so you can be confident that you’ll be in good hands, the results will be as you envisaged and that you can take off the appropriate amount of time for your recovery from work or your normal daily activities. Always look for a board-certified surgeon who has experience in the procedures you’re opting for. Check out their credentials, before and after imagery and testimonials.

Updated 12-May-2019

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