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5 objects of a school library

Victoria Carson1736 28-Feb-2019

5 objects of a school library

School library is a place within a school building where teachers, students, parents, or even public can have access to various books, journals, magazines, and literary resources to enhance their knowledge or perform research. The school library is also known as a media center which has a sole goal of ensuring that all the members of school community have equal access to the books and library resources to solve a particular assignment. Libraries provide information to the students or a group of students by using all type of media. The modern and digital libraries nowadays make use of the Internet as well as hardcover books to gather information on a particular subject or topic just like assignment writing service.

School libraries are different from public libraries because they provide an opportunity to the registered students to enhance their learning on a particular subject and extend the school’s curriculum to provide extensive knowledge to the students. Research has shown that school libraries play a vital role in positive development of students and impact their leaning and grades in the educational setting. Therefore, students who have access to well supported school libraries score high in the class regardless of their social statues or family background.

Brief History of School Libraries

Since the 1800s, school libraries started to evolve from public to state libraries. In the later part of 19th century, modern libraries were built in the United States with the formation of ALA American Library Association. In the early days, school libraries only possess small number of books to help children learn correctly. However, in 1920, efforts were increased to modernize the school libraries to help the math and science students significantly.

The Purpose of School Libraries

1. Hub for Increasing Knowledge

In the 21st century, school libraries are considered as hubs for increasing student’s knowledge and achievement so they can focus more on their learning and critical thinking skills. The school libraries of today are equipped with modern books and IT equipment to help the students benefit from a range of learning opportunities with a focus on the intellectual content and information literacy. In addition to classroom learning, the students can easily visit and access libraries with collaborating teachers. Therefore, libraries can serve as a learning space for students to perform independent work for testing and examination.

2. Central Location for Information

School libraries provide a central location for all the information available, which is why a school librarian plays a crucial role to provide resources to students looking for different types of information. A school library functions as an opportunity for educators t work with librarians so that their students can easily have access to the online resources. Today’s libraries are compatible with technology and therefore are more comfortable places for students to satisfy their needs.

3. A Collaborative Place for All People

School libraries serve as a collaborative media center in which media specialists, teachers, administrators, and parents can work together to provide opportunities for the social, educational, and cultural enhancement of students. Many activities can take place in the library media center where everyone can gain access to various media resources which contribute to the success of students. In the school.

4. Collection of Wide Range of Media and Books

School libraries provide a repository of a large collection of books, movies, audios, graphics, magazines, and newspapers that is not only beneficial for the students from the viewpoint of education but also helps them to increase their general knowledge. They serve as gateway to enhance and improve the student’s learning capabilities and empower them with knowledge to face the challenges of real world.

5. School Libraries Improve Student’s Outcome

Since school libraries are able to provide a wide range of information to students, they can encourage curiosity, creative thinking, innovation, and passion into students who want to perform excellently in the academic activities. A library is a central point for achieving success through knowledge to improve student’s learning outcomes. Therefore, many students who visit libraries regularly often feel more confident by demonstrating superior knowledge and stand out from the rest.


School libraries nowadays play an indispensible role in student’s grooming, capacity building, and knowledge acquisition. The digital age of technology offers many modern facilities to school libraries inclosing the Internet, laptops, and gadgets to help students explore a wide range of subjects and topics to complete their assignments and learn new information that is a requirement of success. Therefore, school libraries act as a hub to help students grow socially, culturally, mad intellectually.

Author Bio

Weal Hepburn is a school owner in Mississippi and writes for various educational blogs and websites. She has done PhD. In Public Administration and also researches student’s outcomes in the universities.

Updated 28-Feb-2019

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