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What to write to get people in search?

Mariya Mazart681 24-Aug-2019

How to know what to write? Generating ideas for creating useful content is a difficult but necessary process for your SEO strategy.

Remember that you do not write each post for an individual client. Some content content should target a specific audience. If you follow this recommendation, then your resource will be popular and, accordingly, rank well.

Once you've identified your target audience, make a list of important, specific questions and topics that are of interest and will help people as much as possible. Then you can add keywords to each topic. You can use web analytics data and view organic traffic. This will help you see what users find your resource for. Take your time, research your keywords and pay more attention to keywords that can rank well. Then quietly dilute them with texts.

Here are some popular keyword matching resources:



Key Collector

Moz Keyword Explorer

Google Trends

Yandex Wordstat

List of Top 3 Most Popular Search Engines In the World



Post valuable content not only on the site, but also on social networks, then the likelihood that your web pages will appear in the top ten is very high.Always put yourself in the place of potential customers looking for information.

The most important thing you can do for a high search engine ranking of your site is to systematically publish useful content that addresses your audience's concerns.

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